Backyard pallet boxes

Progress was restricted to short moments of free time, so it took over a year to get to the point of getting something edible from this project. No regrets though. Definitely levelled up in my hammer-and-crowbar-swinging skills. Box 3 hopefully done in the not-too-distant future.

2019 IMHO Beer Ratings - Best of 2019

The best of a pretty good bunch:

Cassels Milk Stout from Christchurch. Hard to go past this as a standout winner for the year. Even better from the source.

This hazy IPA was ridiculously easy to drink. Best enjoyed with sun, friends, and barbeque.

A trip to Melbourne brought with it the realisation that the Australians do have beers other than VB and Foster’s, and they’re really quite good. This one in particular was seriously drinkable.
