Haka Valley: The Sequel
A successful couple of days in the hills, upping the body count by two this year. The Buck 110 also feels like a legitimate hunting knife now.
Hakataramea Valley, June 2020.
Adaptable roots
Angkor Wat, Cambodia (2009).
Unwanted followers
There goes the element of surprise.
Deer hunting in the Hakataramea Valley, June 2020
A successful walk in the hills with the old man and some serious tools.
Hakataramea Valley at sunrise
No filter required.
90-year age gap
The family’s oldest member meets the youngest.
Off the beaten track
This guy is worth a follow. Finds himself in some interesting off-grid places.
End of the 10s - Roll on the 20s
A small collection of memories from a busy and eventful past ten years.
The jet-lag recovery process has begun
Will be back in the land of the living in a week or so.
“If it ain’t raining you ain’t training”, as they say.