Flashback to that time in 2014 when my car got broken into, but my sunglasses weren't cool enough to steal
Fashion-shamed by thieves.
The parental leave beard
More greys than I expected, and longer than I’ve ever grown it before.
Down, Nach
He’s a slow learner.
Will & Able
Altus Enterprises have been hit hard by the lockdown - here’s a way to keep their people in a job. It’s good stuff.
Fluro and bike shorts
The old family albums were a gold mine for 80s flashbacks.
Unwanted followers
There goes the element of surprise.
Deer hunting in the Hakataramea Valley, June 2020
A successful walk in the hills with the old man and some serious tools.
The 90s were not kind to me
Hakataramea Valley at sunrise
No filter required.