Peter and Barbara
From apex predator to foyer exhibit at Auckland Museum. Well worth a look.
Deepfake Drake
An AI-produced track that's arguably better than anything the actual Drake has put out. Equally interesting to watch the music industry scramble to contain this new threat to their megaprofits.
Proper Twelve
Conor McGregor's signature Irish whiskey. That said, it's surprisingly good.
Landing in a tropical rainstorm
Earning their paycheck with this one.
Instagram Highlights: Part 1
A few memorable moments from recent weeks.
Joker evolution
Jack Nicholson all the way.
Challenging to top this
Alpha dad behaviour.
The Dark Knight Rises - Opening Scene
Rediscovered this great opening sequence recently. Maximum Chris Nolan.
SIG M338
Solid attempts made at 8:22 to shoulder-fire this monster.
22 Man
Commenter insists he can hit a beer can at 710 yards using a .22 with ironsights. Garand Thumb takes him up on the challenge.
Camping with Steve
Down the YouTube rabbithole with the “Bob Ross of Camping.” There is something oddly watchable about the guy.
Armed Response: South Africa's Gun Violence
Next-level occupational hazards in the taxi industry.